…that “Peat has become a dirty word in England?” Read The problem with peat — and what could replace it? published on Cleveland.com on Jan. 28, 2025 to find out why. And what you can do to help!

…that gardener’s can combat climate change! Check out Gardener’s Supply Company’s 12/14/22 article for tips on how to do that.

…that an “effective long-term pest management strategy is to simply plant flowering plants that provide nectar”? 🙂 Check out this 9/17/22 posting from OSU for an interesting article on beneficial insects.

…that there is an insect decapitating our flowers!?! It’s a headclipping weevil and according to this July 21, 2022 article it’s on the prowl in Ohio.

…that there are over 100 milkweed species that are native to the Americas? Check out this August 2022 posting from the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes to find the ones native to Northeast Ohio.

…that there is an insect decapitating our flowers!?! It’s a headclipping weevil and according to this July 21, 2022 article it’s on the prowl in Ohio.

…that there is now another option for glass recycling in Northeast Ohio? Check out this June 9, 2022 article on Yahoo! Finance to see what I-O Glass and Repeat Glass have to offer.

…that GDD (Growing Degree Days) are a good way of timing some of your garden tasks? A good way of knowing when the next surprise insect attack might occur – and when best to treat! Here are the links for the OSU BYGL (Buckeye Yard and Garden onLine) April 2022 report and the main OSU Phenology Calendar. to get you started!

…that there are 25 species of goldenrod native to Ohio…and that they are not the source of your allergy? Take a look at the article posted by Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves on September 17, 2020 for more information.

…that it’s that time of year? Fall is a great time for dividing many of your garden’s perennials. For useful information on the how’s and why’s, check out the article by Carol Papas “Now is the time to divide hostas and other perennials” published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on September 11, 2020.

…that what might have been the oldest apple tree in the Pacific Northwest died in June, 2020 at the age of 194 years old!

…that WKSU will be presenting a mini-series on recycling – Reduce Reuse Refocus – starting the week of February 17, 2020.

…that a new colony of Monarch butterflies has been discovered? (Newman, Steve (2019, February 22). Monarch Realm in Earthweek: Diary of a changing world. The Plain Dealer, A20.) http://www.earthweek.com/arc/ew190222.pdf

…that gardens might be therapeutic for patients with chronic neurological diseases? (Sachs, Oliver (2019, April 18). The Healing Power of Gardens: Even for people who are deeply disabled neurologically, nature can be more powerful than any medication. The New York Times: Opinion)  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/18/opinion/sunday/oliver-sacks-gardens.html